IQ Panel 2 + - PowerG wireless keypad WS9LCDWF9


There are three categories of buttons that can group all the button choices that are currently possible on the DSC Keypad.
  1. State Change Buttons
  2. Self-Supporting Buttons
  3. Unsupported Buttons

State Change Buttons

These State Change buttons match those available on the IQPanel and will mimic the same behavior as when pressing that same button on the IQPanel.

State Change Buttons:
    Disarm Codes
    Arm Away
    Arm Stay
    Police Emergency
    Fire Emergency
    Auxiliary Emergency


Arm Away Button:

Arm Stay Button:

These will mimic the pressing of the Arm Away, or Arm Stay Button on the IQPanel.  The IQPanel and Keypad will communicate the arming state and alarms via the PowerG communication.

When the system is armed, when pushing any buttons on the keypad it should activate the entry delay to begin unless the entirely correct disarm code was entered.

Arming Option:

Requiring User Code for Arming is connected to the same setting for the IQPanel to require the user code for arming.


When the system is armed, the first number pushed will be considered the start of the disarm code.  There is then a 60 second timeout on the Keypad to enter the full 4 or 6 digits at which time a notification will be given to the main panel.  If the code is correct the system will disarm.

Emergency Buttons

These must be pressed in their matching pairs in order to avoid accidental emergency calls.  By pressing the matching two buttons then the response will match the corresponding emergency button push on the IQPanel.

Police Emergency

o Optional Silent Police Panic based on group. The editing of the group after pairing currently also requires a reboot of either the keypad or panel in order for the change in behavior to take effect.
Fire Emergency
Auxiliary Emergency

Distress User Code:
This code is currently only disarming the system. Need to decide on including the distress functionality and verify it.

Self-Supporting Buttons

Self Supporting Buttons:
*1 (When Keypad is Un-Paired)  Auto Enroll Event
*6  Keypad Adjustments Menu
Exit Button

    Keypad Adjustment Menu has functionality control over only the keypad itself.
    The Keypad Adjustment Menus includes the following categories:

 Buzzer Pitch/Volume (Beeps, Chimes, Alarms, etc)
 Screen Brightness
 Screen Contrast
 Language
• English
• French
• Spanish

Unsupported Buttons

The unsupported buttons are mostly keypad menu buttons. When any of these are pressed, the keypad will respond with “Function Not Available”.

Unsupported Buttons:
    Bypass Button
    Chime Button
    *1 (When Keypad is Paired)  Bypass Sensors Menu
    *2  System Trouble Menu
    *3  Alarm Memory
Hold # Button  Partition Menus

System Info

This section is to give a better understanding of some of the Keypad’s current behaviors in its different states of operation.

Pairing Process

In addition to the association process being performed for devices to sync with the PowerG network, immediately when the device transitions from a registered state to active state, a data sync occurs with the IQPanel and Keypad in order to initialize the Keypads many memory spaces.  This data sync process can take some time and requires constant communication with the keypad for a few minutes, during which time other functionality between keypad and panel may be slightly delayed.

If problems occur during this initialization process, the best troubleshooting method is to power cycle the Keypad with it still paired to the system and it will re-start the process. Less actions during this process can also help it go more smoothly.

Power Save Mode

When the DSC Keypad is on Battery Only Mode, it goes into a sleep state where all lighting is shut off including the screen.  It can be woken up by any button press on the device or any change of state for the partition in which either case the keypad will respond accordingly with normal operation.


The keypad buzzer siren will sound for the same alarm timeout that is set for the siren timeout on the IQPanel.

Entry/Exit Delay

The Keypad will beep for the duration of the entry/exit delay.


    The IQPanel supports notifications for all of the following Keypad troubles:

 Supervisory Failure
 Tamper
 Low Battery (Reported for either of two following reasons)
• AC Power Failure
• Battery Power is Low or Not Present


The Keypad has 4 LED lights which signify system states
  1. System Ready State • This indicates the system is ready to use normal operation
  2. System Arm State • This indicates that the system is armed. Both Arm Stay and Arm Away light up this LED as Red.
  3. System Trouble State • Medium Speed Blinking LED i. Low/No Battery • Slow Blinking LED i. Communication with IQPanel Lost • Solid LED i. Keypad Tampered
  4. AC Power Indication • On When Power is connected


The sensor types that maintain a constant state will give a notification on the Keypad by chiming and showing on the LED screen.  Upon an open event from one of these sensor types, the Keypad will chime.  While disarmed, the Keypad will continually list through the names of all these open sensor types.  If the zone is closed or tampered, it will not appear on this list.

Supported Sensor Types for the open notification:
  1. Door/Window
  2. Tilt
  3. Door/Window-M

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