Configure 3-way accessory switch / dimmer

  1. Include 3-way accessory switch / dimmer into panel
  2. Navigate to Settings > Advanced Settings > Installation > Devices > Z-Wave Devices > View/Edit Associations
  3. Scroll to 3-Way accessory switch / dimmer and tap "View"

If accessory switch will control an On/Off switch
4. Next to "Basic Set" Group, tap "Edit"
5. Scroll to the On/Off switch and select the checkbox next to the switch
6. Tap "Save"

If accessory switch will control a dimmer switch
4. Next to "Multilevel Switch" Group, tap "Edit"
5. Scroll to the dimmer switch and select the checkbox next to the switch
6. Tap "Save"

You can add more than one device to the "Basic Set" group or the "Multilevel Switch" Group.

Mar 24, 2025

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