How to integrate your IQ PRO or IQ NS using IQ Installer App with Control 4

You can seamlessly integrate your Control4 system with the IQ Pro or IQ NS panel without needing any extra hardware. The IQ Pro and IQ NS supports SDDP, allowing for easy integration through Control4’s Composer software.

Currently, Control4 integration with IQ Pro and IQ NS is primarily for security purposes, and this is expected to continue. Once the IQ Pro or IQ NS is integrated into Control4, automation triggers can be created based on security events. For instance, when a door is opened (detected by the security panel), Control4 can be programmed to turn on a light automatically. There is one IQ Panel driver for Composer (Control4 software) that will work with all IQ Panels.

Requirements for Integrating the IQ Pro or IQ NS Panel with a Control4 System

To successfully integrate the IQ Pro or an IQ NS panel into a Control4 system, ensure the following:

  • The IQ Pro or IQ NS must be updated to the latest firmware version.
  • The installer must connect to the IQ Pro or IQ NS using the installer code (default: 2222). Upon first connection, the system will prompt for a new dealer code.
  • A 6-digit code must be enabled on the IQ Pro or IQ NS to display the secure token ID.
  • Both the Control4 system and IQ Pro or IQ NS must be on the same network.
  • For optimal connectivity, it's recommended to use SDDP (Mac address identification) or a static IP for Control4 integration.

NOTE: The Control4 driver is the same driver for any IQ panel that supports the integration.

From the Dashboard (default screen when logging into IQ Installer)
1 Dashboard - IQ Installer.png

Touch the Config icon to the left of the Dashboard icon at the bottom of the IQ Installer App
2 Config - IQ Installer.png

Touch Installation
3 Installation - IQ Installer.png

Touch Devices
4 Devices - IQ Installer.png

Touch Wi-Fi
5 Wi-Fi - IQ Installer.png

touch 3rd Party
6 3rd Party - IQ Installer .png

Touch Control4
7 Control4 - IQ Installer .png

Touch Enable Control4
8 Enabling 6-Digit Codes - IQ Installer .png

Touching the slider will enable the panel from 4-digit codes to 6-digit codes. Once enabled, if the code that was used was 2,2,2,2 the new 6-digit code would be followed by 0's. So, the code would be 2,2,2,2,0,0.
9 Enabling 6-Digit Codes 2 - IQ Installer .png

Touch Enable 6-Digit Codes
10 Enabling Control4 2 - IQ Installer .png

Next, you need the Secure Token from IQ Pro. To get this you must now enable the Control4 setting, wich will cause the IQ Pro to reboot.
11 Enabling Control4 3 - IQ Installer.png

Once the panel has been rebooted, you will now go retrieve the Secure Token ID from IQ Installer. To do this, reconnect to the panel via the IQ Installer app. From the Dashboard touch > Config touch > Installation touch > Devices touch > Wi-Fi touch > 3rd Party touch > Control4
12 Control4 Secure Token - IQ Installer .png

It is recommended that you make a note of this token in the notes section of Composer since this will likely never change as long as the panel never gets replaced or the regenerate new token option is never touched.  This access token will be unique to each IQ Pro panel.  With the access token revealed and noted put this into the access token section in composer located in the properties section when you highlight the IQ Panel driver in system design.  In the properties screen of the IQ2 driver place the token and press Set.

Add Qolsys driver to the Control4 system

Qolsys IQ panels support SDDP, and should show up in the discovered devices tab.  If the panel shows up in the discovered tap, simply double-click on that driver and it will auto-add to the project into the project tree on the left of system design depending on what room was highlighted.  If the panel doesn't show up in the list of discovered devices search for the driver on the online database. Type in Qolsys.  The IQPanel2 Security Panel drive will work for both the IQ2+ and the IQ4.

Screen Shot 2022-05-24 at 9.25.55 AM.png
Add the Token to the driver in Composer
In composer, still in system design to to the properties screen when highlighted on the added driver and enter the Token taken from the panel and touch set.
Screen Shot 2022-05-24 at 9.35.35 AM.png

Identify the IQ Panel into Control4
Go to Connections > IP Connections in Composer.  Highlight the IQ Panel driver, and double-click to add the IP address to manually address the IQ Panel into Control4.  Please note that if using SDDP, the driver will have already been identified in the previous steps via the Mac address of the IQ Panel.  If manually adding the IP address of IQ Panel into Composer, it is always recommended to use MAC IP reservation so the IP address of the IQ Panel doesn't change - therefore disconnecting the panel from Control4.

Screen Shot 2022-05-24 at 9.39.35 AM.png

Additional programming

If you have added the driver using SDDP to your Control4 project all that is left to do is add the generic sensor drivers for each zone.  For example, for a front door add the generic door driver and label it Front Door.  Then go to connections and bind that generic driver to the zone output that has automatically been populated as zone Front Door.  The auto-populated zones list for the IQ2 panel will pull into Composer automatically on initial setup.  If the list doesn't update properly, delete the driver and add it back in using that noted Access Token from the previous step.

With the added generic drivers bound, you can now program based on events from the IQ2 panel.  A few examples might be:

-    when a door opens turn on a light
-    when a door closes turn off a light
-    when the garage opens send an email notification

Known issues:

-    Entry chimes don't work on the integrated Control4 touch panels.

Mar 24, 2025

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